The Crumpulator
The Crumpulator combines several different calculators into one, this is so that it is easier to work out everything that I would like to know about my sims, such as aspiration, secondary aspiration, careers, ideal careers. It also has a section to work out what random skills sims will get if they attend a boarding school, achievable with this mod!
You can download the Crumpulator here!
Big thanks to Tvickiesims for translating the spreadsheet into Russian!​
Click to download the Russian Crumpulator here!

You can click on the links below if you wanted to jump into each section, where I explain where I got the calculator from and how I edited it and use it for my game;
Secondary Aspiration Calculator
Ideal Degree and Career Calculator
How to use the Calculator

The basic premise is that you copy your sims stats to the spreadsheet, you enter their interests / personality and enthusiasm scores in the green areas. This should then auto-fill all the relevant areas for the information.
Main Aspiration Calculator

The first and main calculator you see came from the video from Sophie the Puffin, (check out the video here). They created a way that makes it almost feel like 6 new aspirations for the game!
I do recommend that you use the "no personality cap" mod though, as this stops sims getting different interests at different life stages, it also doesn't cap sims depending on their age. I like this mod as it means that after a while all sims are still different, instead of them all turning out to be the same as with EAs coding.
As you can see each aspiration is broken down into two types, One of the types is usually the "nicer" option, whilst the other one is the meaner one.
This means that;
For Family sims, your either a strict family, or want a huge family.
For Romance sims, your either a serial romantic or hopeless romantic,
For Fortune sims, your either a Hard Worker or a gold digger,
For Popularity sims, your either Friend of the World, or a public enemy,
For Pleasure sims, your either the modest enjoyer or a hedonist,
For Knowledge sims, your either a Good Scientist or a Evil Scientist.
It works out by taking certain percentages from the personality and interests, multiplying numbers and adding and subtracting and all other kinds of math to work it out. Its all very clever, thank you Sophie!
I like the option that certain sims who are nice cannot take the "meaner" types of aspirations, so if you have 8 nice points, they will never be an evil scientist for example.
Secondary Aspiration Calculator

The secondary calculator does things slightly different to the main one, it does not take into account for the personality. I purposely left this like that so that I could also see what they would be without their personality taken into account. It does gives varied results so the secondary option is usually a free-for-all system.

After speaking with chocolatecitysims we felt it would be more appropriate to add another interest in the secondary aspiration calculator. So I added it, the interests are above are what the calculator adds up to work out their scores.
Ideal and Career Calculator

This calculator originally came from Pleasantsims, but a reddit user under the name of reddittobe edited and adjusted it, removed the grilled cheese element. You can find that one here.
So with this one I took it and merged it with the main aspiration calculator, so now it will fill out these at the same time; no more entering the same values in different sheets now!
Once you have entered the information, it will auto-fill the results, the higher the points on a certain degree / career that's their ideal degree / career!
The Random Roll

I use random rolls for anything and everything, and every time I have to visit random.org to get these numbers. So I figured since I have the spreadsheet up anyway, I would just include one.
To use you simply adjust anything number in the sheet and this number will randomise. What I normally do is click on the number, go to the top bar and click on it, then press enter. This should just update the number.

Boarding School Randomiser

The boarding school randomiser is a visual tool to help know what skills to give to sims if they go to one of these schools. The boarding schools can be found here.
You simply change the number in the green box at the bottom, this should auto-fill all the boxes, you then look at the school your sim attends and manually give them that skill set they have earnt.
Boarding schools allow sims to max out their skills at school, it ranges from 1-10
Hogwarts however, only goes up to skill 6 (this could change in the future) but I figured since they learn all skills its a nice way to balance it out.
I like to use this also to quickly check what traits the sims can get from being at these schools / what traits are rejected from these school and what hidden skills they earn - then giving them it via the book of talent mod - found here.