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4T2 Functional Pizza Oven




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Sul Sul!

I was gobsmacked when jacky93sims made the pizza oven functional, BUT as sad as this is, I want my game to be 4T2 friendly, which means a new mesh and new textures! So I replaced the recipes and plate to TS4 Pizza and a pizza board!

  • I have updated the names to better reflect their sims 4 counterparts, (I would like to add more in one day, maybe soon) but atm they are replacements and use the same GUIDS, so either mine or Jackys; you will not be able to have both, sorry!

  • I also fixed the seams issue I had with my oven, and I took away the shininess also!

  • Pizza's have been fully morphed and animated, there is a slight gap at the half way mark, but I guess thats where the pizza is cut!

Hope you enjoy!

Thank you Tvickiesims for the assist here! UPDATE

Fixed an issue where when putting leftovers into inventory, the names did not match! Thanks Tvickie!

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