3T2 Boarding School Mod
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Item Description
THIS IS AN EDITED MOD FROM SIMLOGICAL - their one should still work with this edit.
Copied from simlogical.com
"I have created some new school types which affect when or if your children get collected by the school bus You can enroll your children on any of these, as well as the existing schools, by placing a school changer on the lot and using its menu with the child selected. Once you have made your choice of school, the bell may be deleted.
This is absolutely nothing to do with making your own school using my school institution controllers. Your child may be registered in any school from their home, and still turn up to the school you are controlling on another lot."
Children and Teens go to school on Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. If they miss the bus on Monday, the bus will also come on the following day and so on. Fees payable. Uniform enabled.
If you change the child's school while they are away for the week, they will come home the same day if before 4pm or next day if you do it later. Warning - changing school mid-week makes your child lose a grade. This wasn't intentional, but it's fairly realistic anyway
Walk or fly to school not available with this school."
This mod has added new schools for sims, these are converted from TS3, with custom icons.
ijSchoolChanger - this is the controller that allows you to change school type for the sims.
Included in the download is a spreedsheet (Boarding School Randomiser), simply change the number to any number and it will randomise how many skills and traits etc that you could give your sims.
This also contains what the school "requires" in terms of traits and tells you what that school focuses on.
The Crumpulator is a spreedsheet that combines a few different calcuators for aspiration / degree / career. Included incase you wanted that also!