Hi, I'm a dope - How do you make full seasonal recolours for plants? Simply taking the plant and saying "make a recolour" in SimPE doesn't seem to import all of the seasonal variants correctly - it doesn't import all of the seasonal MMATs and TXMTs and TXTRs. Do I just need to extract them and reimport them into my recolour files?
Or, alternatively, how do I make existing plants seasonal?
Tvickie's awesome new plants have destroyed my plants folder. I have a bunch of conversions and addons already from Suratan but they're not properly seasonal. I would like to find a way to merge these together and have pretty winter textures on my nice recolours and resized plants... Is there a good tutorial anywhere on how to make them seasonal?
Or Vickie can you write me one 😂😂
Thanks x
Okay, this might be a very rough way to do it, @Tvickiesims might be able to assist more?
Open file you wanted to recolour,
Go into MMAT, note down the cres name, ie;
Note down GUID ie;
Object Workshop - Clone the plant you want to recolour,
Change the model name to remove the extra bits, leave the beginning, for example;
Click update
Delete everything but the MMAT, TXMT, TXTRs.
Go into MMAT,
Copy the cres that you copied from earlier, and paste it into this one,
Update GUID if needed,
Turn "defaultMaterial" to false
Import new textures.
I think this is how I do it!
I regards to making non-seasonal plants seasonal, its all about the TXMTs and textures, maybe look into the naming conventions of that plant and adding in the swx04/swx06 etc in and seeing how that works?
I too would also like to know...