Playing my game today I wanted a Sim to gift a bunch of produce to visiting Sim, and I was reminded of how tedious it is to gift multiple objects. When you add produce to a juicer for example, you click somewhere in the list and press on the button to add it to the second column, and the next object in inventory is automatically highlighted, which means you can just hover over add button clicking it to keep adding stuff. When you gift, after you add an object, the selection goes away so you have to first click on an item in inventory to then be able to click add. I wonder if that is something we could fix, or if it'll be hard-coded. I've never tried to change UI things, but a lot of things have been cracked in recent days and that made me wonder if this might be possible. Anyone have thoughts?
Sort of a mixed post of creators help, wishing tree, and reminder note to myself to look in to this. If I don't write it down somewhere, I will forget 😆😅
I have no helpful thoughts, just that this is a great idea and hopefully it's possible!